Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's That Time of the Year !!

"...........We don't need no thought control..........."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Review : The Funda of Mix-ology

Just finished reading " The Funda of Mix-ology - What bartending teaches that IIM doesnt..." by Mainak Dhar

Mix-ology: The art / science of making a cocktail
Funda: Short for `fundamental', slang for the 'low down' or wisdom on a subject. Synonyms- gyaan; adj- Fundu; plural- fundae
IIM: Indian Institute of Management; a group of leading management institutes in India meant to achieve " Peace of Mind " and keep the rat-race alive. (Ironic Is'nt it..?)

This is Defineteley not another IIT / IIM Campus story, which talks about the run of the mill interlaced with jargons and campus lingos. But its more on the aftermath (after graduating from IIM) of the narrator who dreams about why he is doing, what he is doing...? Is there a way to break away from the monotony thats eating him alive..? Is there a way by which, he can carefully strike a balance between what he has to do at the moment for money and also pursue his passion (writing in his case).....?

Most of us would have undergone these type of moments in life. Some of us would have even seriously contemplated and dared to be different. But do we get a chance to ever check out what lies in store if we take a particular direction...? Or can we say " This is the best life, that I WANT and so let me have it. " ? Even if we have a option to take a glimpse of the future, we may not be all that satisfied because there is bound to be something we may not want to be a part of.

The book manages to avoid a lot of cliches and strikes a chord with the reader, who is able to identify himself with some of the mental delusions that the narrator goes through. It however, doesnt actually teach any bartending tricks (thats for the dummies) or glorifies the words of people who couldn't make it to an IIM and say that " See, I told you. There is more to life than just cracking the CAT...!! ". One fine week the narrator almost quits his job, almost gets killed, and understands that the secret to having a more accomplished life lies not in any classroom but in mix-ology, the art of making a good cocktail with the best ingredients that life offers you.

But, as I was nearing completion I was repeatedly getting reminded of something that my friend Swaminathan (who now works for Texas Instruments, Bangalore) used to say => " Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road....! " - which is so fricking true...!! Yes, it sounds very simple and may seem like something that you already knew, but never felt it hard or had someone beside to reinforce.

Ultimateley, the sweet moral at the end of the story doesn't force itself upon the reader. It's upto you to agree to what the author says => That Life is like a Glass of Long Island Ice Tea; to Enjoy it, you have to Mix it up.

That message, puts a smile on your face. :-)
Say Cheers !!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Serious Suggesstion for the IITs...

It feels really nice to read articles about the clout of IITs in the western world. Well, looking back - they are, seriously successful models which in India we failed to replicate...!!!! And now after so many years, the Government of India has just woken up and is making promises to gift one such Insti to almost every single state where it has a coalition partner or to garner votes (refer to vote bank politics).

To look at it even from a modest point of view, its amazing to read about the achievements made by these institutes and its alumni. Now, as each of the IITs approach their respective " Swarna Jayanthi " (Golden Jubilee), the spotlight and the urge for excellence has only increased several folds.

With so much happening and IITs being a Hotbed of Innovation, my point of view is that its high time that we capitalise on the moment and, would'nt it be great, if each of these 7 institutes set up a School of Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Law...????

Almost all Indian Companies have now realised the importance of Product Development in various fields at various stages. And major efforts are on in R&D Divisions. Because, we cant go on by being satisfied with just services (service based companies). Also, Research at IITs, has been happening from day one. A simple Example is: Prof. Ashok Jhunjunwala's Contribution at IIT M. And with the advent of IIT M Research Park, the need for additional support on Patenting of critical technology developed, would only increase a thousand fold.

Hence, its a humble suggestion to the IITs / and all (Central Govt sponsored) Engineering and Research Institutions to consider and look into it before it gets too late..!!!! In India, we often just sit back and wait for things to happen !!! We only wake up the moment we hear that someone, somewhere has patented the Basmati Rice or a Type of Medicine with regards to Ayurveda..!!!

Setting up a center for Intellectual Property, is something that would augment the industry tremendously. That would be one more way to foster Excellence, and recognise the Brightest and Smartest. IIT Kharagpur has already come out with such a school and they have a tie up with an American University too. But, instis like IIT M can always approach Germany which provided technical assistance in the past, for a second time..!! (apart from utilising the funds generated from alumni associations worldwide).

People reading this blog just give it a thought. It may not be something that can be achieved overnight, but if implemented at least in a small way to begin with, would defineteley be a Gaint leap for India...!!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008 !!!!

Oh, and Do get ready to rock this Year !!! :-)

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