Sunday, March 23, 2008

Well said, Bill....!

The below is a link that has the transcript of Bill Gates's speech at IIT 50 - San Jose, CA 2003. He talks passionately about a Brand called “IIT“ built by a third world country.

Please note that after his speech, he takes questions from Rajat Gupta on behalf of the distinguished audience, and gives his viewpoint on various issues. One of the questions that Mr. Gupta asks Mr. Gates =>

“If I may switch topics a little bit and talk a little bit about education and get your views. While IIT has done so well they are still in a sense organized along very traditional boundaries, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, et cetera, et cetera. Many of the breakthroughs you talk about are cross-disciplinary; they are in new fields like bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, so on and so forth. What's your view of the future educational institution? What advice would you have on IITs in terms of how they should architect themselves and conduct research, conduct programs and so on?"

To which Mr. Gates replies =>

Well, there's one thing that IITs have done that I would never tamper with and that is the merit-based approach that's used. (Applause) If you get the inputs right it helps a lot with the outputs. (Applause)"

Well, I am not sure if the Dravidian sycophants and champions (aka) dogs of social justice are listening...! But, please note that this was said by one the highest, of the best corporate brains in America in 2003; much before the Central Universities Reservations Act 2006 was passed in the parliament. So, even if that Act is implemented, your future "Tamilchelvans, Marans and XXX-nidhis...." won't stand a chance to enter the corridors of Great Companies.

Because every company, would only want to hire arguably the best. And, it’s only justified, that when companies like Microsoft, Google say that it’s facing challenges hiring the right talent in India..!!!

Take away points:

Reservations breeds Incompetence.
Incompetence breeds Pseudos
In the absence of the Absolute, Pseudos run amok....!!!

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